6 клас


Увага! Контрольна робота з англійської мови відбудеться  у формі онлайн тестування.

 (Тести з'являться  о 14.00, відповіді приймаються до 14.45)
Максимальна кількість за роботу - 24 бали, щоб отримати оцінку - набрані бали ділимо на 2:

24/2=12      Успіхів та гарних оцінок!!!

Повторимо найвживаніші часи дієслів(уважно слухаємо, приклади записуємо в зошит):
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Pr. Simple &Pr. Continuous
Past Simple
дієслово TO BE
Подивись відео та дай відповіді на запитання:

Любі учні! У вівторок, 26 травня пишемо підсумкову контрольну роботу. Повторюємо вивчені теми впродовж семестру.

Подорожуємо до Лондона
Video 1
Video 2
Співаємо разом:
Повторюємо Present Simple разом з королевою:

Повторюємо ступені порівняння прикметників. Слухаємо, повторюємо, записуємо приклади в зошит і вчимо!
Video 1

Video 2

Співаємо разом:


Контроль аудіювання

Любі учні! Уважно прослухайте TEXT та виконайте TEST
За тест max можна отримати 24 бали, ділимо на 2 кількість отриманих балів - це і є ваша оцінка!
Бажаю успіхів! 

Контроль читання. 
Уважно прочитай текст та зроби завдання до нього:

Grammar. Повторимо вживання артиклів:
Video 1
Video 2

Video 3
Video 4
Опрацюй ст. 171-173 у підручнику, впр. 1-3
 Перевір свої знання та отримай гарниу оцінку, виконавши   TEST

 Подивись урок,  запиши  приклади
3. Reading  ex. 3,4 p. 168-169.  
4. Speaking: ex.4b, p. 170.  
Перевір свої знання та отримай гарниу оцінку, виконавши  TEST

 Подивись урок, повтори Present Perfect, запиши  приклади
2. Learn new words on page 164 (Vocabulary box)
3. Reading  ex. 5, p. 164-166.  
4. Speaking: ex.6, p. 167.  
5. Writting: ex.4, p. 164

Подивись урок:
3. Reading  ex. 1,2bp. 160-161.  
4. Speaking: ex.2a, p. 161.  
5. Writting: скласти список речей потрібних для сімейної подорожі (10 пунктів).

Подивись урок, повтори Present Perfect, запиши правило та приклади
2. Learn new words ex.1-2 on page 157-1
3. Reading  ex. 4, p. 158.  
4. Speaking: ex.3, p. 158.  
5. Writting: ex.3, p. 158.  

Subject: Writing an email. Sightseeing.
1.  Lesson 1
     Lesson 2
2. Learn new words on page 154 (Vocabulary box)
3. Reading  ex.1, 4, p. 153-154.  
4. Speaking: ex.2,3, p. 154.  
5. Write an email about your last holiday to your friend.


1.Пропоную подивитись урок (якщо не дивились в   п'ятницю по ТВ)
2.Grammar.   Повторимо простий минулий час Past SimpleVideo 1Video 2
3. Writting.  А тепер зроби вправи і запиши їх у зошит:Video 3Video 4
4. Reading and Speaking: ex.3, p. 149.  

1.Пропоную подивитись урок (якщо не дивились в середу по ТВ)

2.  Match the words with their translations.  

     advantage                                недолік
     airhostess                                 перевага
     cart                                          забронювати квиток
     check-in desk                          валіза
     disadvantage                           вирушати  в подорож
      suitcase                                   візок
      arrange                                   реєстраційна стойка
      arrive                                      стюардеса

      book a ticket                          прибувати 

   get on a trip                            організовувати

3. Read the text (ex.5,.146)

4. Answer the questions (ex.7,147)

5. Writing. (ex.6,p.147)


1.Пропоную подивитись урок (якщо не дивились в понеділок по ТВ)


2. Learn new words on page 145 (Vocabulary box)
3. Read the text (ex. 1, p.144)
4. Answer the questions (ex.2, p.145)
5. Writing. (ex.4,p.146)

 So, you see that many men – many minds. And what do you think about travelling?  Why do people travel? Finish the sentence People travel to…

You has to name all means of transport the hero of the video has used.

 And now we make up “cinquain
1 line: Theme (the main word)
2 line: two adjectives
3 line: three verbs (actions of the main word)
4 line: a sentence (quotation on the topic)
5 line: synonym / antonym of the main word.
Interesting, exiting
To go, to visit, to learn
Travelling is very popular in modern life.


 Everybody knows that different kinds of travelling have their own positive aspects. But at the same time they have their negative ones. 

Choose the true sentences

Traveling by plane

Traveling by plane is the fastest.
You can get to many countries only in a few hours.
You can stop wherever you want and see different places.
You need no tickets.
There are no air hostesses on the plane.

Travelling by ship

Travelling by ship is the fastest.                                                                    
It is the most  interesting and pleasant.                                                         
You can go down the river and see many interesting places.
You can stop wherever and swim in the river.
You can see a lot of things from the carriage window.

Travelling by car

Travelling by car is comfortable and interesting.
 For this way of traveling you need the tickets.
20 passengers may be in the car.
You can stop wherever you want and see different places.
Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips.

Travelling by train

Travelling by train is the fastest.
You can see only clouds.
When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage.
You can read and sleep.
For this way of travelling you need no tickets.


 Dear pupils, as you know there are three main kinds of travelling: by land, by water, by air. People use different vehicles for travelling by them. So, read the sentences, find out the mistakes and correct them.
             1. The bus goes by sea.
             2. The plane goes by water.
             3. The car goes by air.
             4. The ship goes by land.
             5. The train goes by air.

№1. It is the fastest way of travelling. It can take you from one town to the other one in no time. The seats are comfortable. It’s a pity but sometimes you can see very little from the windows. The things are too small to see them. When the weather is rainy or foggy you cannot travel by it.(Answer: by...  )

№2.This way of travelling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families go by it.
(Answer: ...  )
№3.This is the slowest way of travelling. Both young and old people like it. You need not worry about the tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such away.(Answer: ...  )

№4.This way of travelling is quite fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so pleasant to travel in them. You can see a lot of interesting things from carriage windows. You can make a long journey on land by it.
(Answer: ...  )



Good morningdear childrenI am glad to see you at our lesson.   I hope you are in a good mood today and you are ready for the lesson

 So, what will we speak about today? Yes, we continue our work on the topic “Travelling.”  First of all we’ll review the vocabulary  on the topic.  I hope that during our lesson you’ll be able to speak about advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of travelling, share your trips impressions and make a conclusion why pe


        Let’s read this short rhyme and practice some sounds: [w], [t].

We go by car

And we go by train.

We go by boat

And we go by plane.

We go by land,

And sea and air.

We go, go, go

From here to there

 Game Name 5 things”.

 Now, we’ll play and review a lot of topical words. Let’s play “Name 5 Things”  


 1.        Name 5 synonyms of the word ‘travelling’

 2.        Name 5 places you can travel to

         3.        Name 5 documents that give us the right to travel

 4.        Name 5 adjectives describing travelling

Answer: comfortable, enjoyable, interesting, useful, dangerous.

               journey, voyage, trip, excursion, tour.

               a passport, a travel document, a ticket, a bus pass, a return ticket.

                       mountains, sea, abroad, countryside, forest

 Game «Odd Word Out»

T: In each line there is one noun which does not go with the verb. Which one? Underline it, please.

              1. to drive                                     a car, a planea train, a bus

              2. to ride                                       a bike, a boat, a horse, a camel

              3. to get on/off                              a car, a plane, a horse, a train

              4. to go by                                     a bus, a car, a helicopter, a foot

              5. to get into/out of                      a motorbike, a taxi, a car, a lorry

Answer the question: Do you like travelling?  What transport would you like to travel?

 Game “Let’s Pack a Suitcase”
 It’s high time to pack our suitcase for a travel. Think of the most important things we need during a journey and put the pictures of them into special pockets of our suitcase. Mind the use of the modal verb ‘should’.

 We should take …

a passport, a chair, a camera, an umbrella, a lion, a mobile phone, a horse, money, a guidebook, a map, a tent,a flat,  matches, a watch, a sweater, a mother, trainers, a raincoat…

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